Friday, November 26, 2010

Age group

"What age group are you designing this collection for?"

I dread this question. Of course my faculty are very persistent. I want to make clothes, it doesn't matter for who. Of course from a marketing perspective this is not the greatest strategy so here goes.

When I was asked this question I decided to pick my age group, Ages 21 to 35. Of course when i mentioned how I didn't think our age group would wear skirts above the knee and tops exposing ones midriff my faculty very politely told me that I had no idea what women my age wear. 

This is when I called upon my good friend pot. After a lot of pointing and laughing he suggested I make a survey. It would give me more of an insight on what women my age wear and how much they would like to expose. This is evening/lounge wear so how grand would they want their clothes to be etc.

The link to the survey:

I also vow to keep an eye out for people in bangalore who are interestingly dressed, hopefully by the end of this project I will be less oblivious. Pictures will be uploaded as and when!

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