

When one looks at the sixties there is so much information it can get disorienting. It was also a decade where the events that took place heavily influenced the art and fashion that came out of it. To save me time I decided to put the decade into a timeline of all the most important events:

Jan - Civil rights demonstrations in Atlanta
Feb 13 - France becomes the fourth nuclear power
May 6 - Civil Rights Act of 1960 signed by Eisenhower
Nov  - JFK elected president.
Nov  - Eisenhower warns the nation about the "Military-Industrial Complex" and its power.
Dec  - Birth Control Pills go on sale in the US.
Feb 18 - Bertrand Russell, 89, leads march of 20,000 & sit-down of 5,000 anti-nuke outside U.K. Defense Ministry and is jailed for 7 days
Mar 1 - John Kennedy initiates 17 billion dollar nuclear missile program, increases military aid to Indochina & announces creation of the Peace Corps
Apr 25 - Bay of Pigs, Cuba U.S. planned invasion is defeated by Castro
May 4 - Freedom Riders leave DC for a southern tour to test integration in bus stations
May 28 - Amnesty International Founded
July - Ban The Bomb Demonstrations start worldwide
Aug 13 - East German border guards begin construction of Berlin Wall
Sept 15 - U.S. starts underground nuclear testing
Oct 6 - President Kennedy advises Americans to build fallout shelters
Feb 16 - Boston SANE & fledgling SDS hold first anti-nuclear march on Washington with 4000-8000 protesters
Apr 25 - U.S. resumes atmospheric nuclear testing after 3 year moratorium.
Oct 22 - Cuban Missile Crisis - Soviet missile bases in Cuba, Kennedy orders naval blockade.

Jan - Alabama Gov. Wallace's "Segregation Forever" speech at inauguration
Jun 11 - JFK Proposes the Civil Rights Bill
Jun 12 - Civil rights leader Medgar Evers assassinated.
July - Newport Folk Festival July 26-28, includes Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Phil Ochs and Pete Seeger
Aug 5 - First Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed
Aug 28 - Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech, Wash DC Civil Rights March 1963, 200,000 attend
Aug 30 - U.S. -Soviet Hotline installed 
Oct 10 - Nuclear Test Ban Treaty takes effect
Oct 13 - Beatles on TV at London Palladium.  15 million get to see them perform "She Loves You" and "Twist and Shout".
Nov 22 - JFK Assassinated in Dallas, Texas, LBJ sworn in
Nov 29 - Beatles "I Want to Hold Your Hand" Released

Feb 9 - Beatles first appear on Ed Sullivan Show, 74 million people watch, the largest audience in the history of television.
Aug 11 - Beatles' A Hard Day's Night movie released
Oct 14 - Martin Luther King Jr. wins Nobel Peace Prize

Time Mag calls young people "generation of conformists"
Feb 8 - U.S. starts bombing North Vietnam
Feb 21 - Malcolm X shot and killed
Mar 16 - Quaker Alice Herz, 82, immolates self in Detroit in protest of the Vietnam war
Mar 21 - Martin Luther King Jr. leads march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama joined by 25,000 marchers
Mar 28 - Martin Luther King calls for boycott of Alabama on TV
Apr 17 - SDS leads first anti-Vietwar march in Washington. 25,000 attend including Phil Ochs, Joan Baez and Judy Collins
July 10 - Rolling Stones' I Can't Get No Satisfaction #1
July 24 - Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone enters charts
Aug - Ken Kesey meets Hunter Thompson who introduces the Hells Angels to the Merry Pranksters; Alan Ginsberg & Richard Alpert are at the party.
Aug 23 - Premiere of Beatles' Help!
Sept 5 - San Francisco writer Michael Fallon applies the term "hippie" to the SF counterculture in an article about the Blue Unicorn coffeehouse where LEMAR (Legalize Marijuana) & the Sexual Freedom League meet, & hippie houses.
Oct 16 - 100,000 anti-war protesters nationwide in 80 cities
Mar 25 - Anti-Vietnam war protests in NY bring out 25,000 on 5th Ave.  Other protests in 7 US cities and 7 foreign cities.
Apr - 30 Mississippi blacks build tent city under President Johnson's window to protest housing conditions in their state
Aug 5 - Lennon says Beatles more popular than Jesus
Aug 18 - Red Guard begins to wipe out western influence in China
Sept - George Harrison goes to India for 6 weeks to study sitar with Ravi Shankar.
Sept - Timothy Leary holds press conference at NY Advertising Club announcing formation of a psychedelic religion - League for Spiritual Discovery ("Turn on, tune in, drop out") & starts nightly presentations at the Village Theater.
Nov 5 - Walk for Love and Peace and Freedom: 10,000 + in New York City
Feb - Beatles release Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane, Michelle, Yesterday
Apr 10 - Vietnam Week starts.  Draft card burnings and anti-draft demonstrations
Apr 15 - Anti-Vietnam War protest. 400,000 march from Central Park to UN. Speeches by Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Dr. Benjamin Spock
May 20 - Flower Power Day in NYC 1967
Jun 2 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album by the Beatles released.
Jun 16 - Monterey Pop Festival
Jun 30 - 448,400 US troops now in Vietnam
July 29 - Door's Light My Fire and Procol Harem's Whiter Shade of Pale vie for #1
Aug 26 - Jimi Hendrix's "Are You Experienced" hits the charts
Aug 27 - Beatles in India with Maharishi informed of Brian Epstein's death
Oct 8 - Che Guevarra killed in Bolivia by US-trained troops
Nov 14 - Air Quality Act provides $428 million to fight air pollution
Dec - "Stop the Draft" movement organized by 40 antiwar groups, nationwide protests ensue.
Dec 5 - 1000 antiwar protesters try to close NYC induction center.  585 arrested including Allen Ginsberg and Dr. Benjamin Spock
Jan 16 - Youth International Party (Yippies) founded
Jan 31 - Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive
Feb - Beatles go to India to visit Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Rishikesh on the Ganges river.  Mia Farrow, Donovan follow.
Mar 16 - My Lai massacre 200 - 500 Vietnamese villagers killed
Mar 16 - Robert F. Kennedy announces candidacy for President
Mar 31 - LBJ announces decision not to run again and offers partial Vietnam bombing halt
Apr 4 - Martin Luther King shot and killed in Memphis
Apr 8 - Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs established (DEA)
May 10 - Vietnam peace talks begin in Paris
Jun 3 - Andy Warhol shot by woman
Aug 1 - 541,000 U.S. Troops in Vietnam
Aug 8 - Nixon and Agnew nominated during Miami riots
Nov 5 - Nixon elected President, Spiro T. Agnew, VP
Nov 6 - Student Strike at SF State
Feb 11 - 200 students smash computers with axes & set computer center on fire during sit-in protesting prof's racism at St. George Williams College, Montreal
Apr 22 - Harvard faculty votes to create black studies program &
  give students vote in selection of its faculty
Apr 22 - City College of NY closed after black & Puerto Rican students lock selves inside asking higher minority enrollment
Apr 24 - U.S. B-52s launch biggest attack on North Vietnam. Protests in 40 cities
July 20 - Men walk on the Moon
July 27 - Police raid on gay bar in Greenwich Village, NYC results in Stonewall Uprising. 2000 protesters battle 400 police, start of Gay Liberation Movement
August 15 - 17 WOODSTOCK Festival 500,000 people gathered for three days of music and peace that changed the world
Sept 3 - Ho Chi Min, leader of North Vietnam, dies  
Oct 15 - Peace Day. 500,000 protesters nationwide. First Vietnam Moratorium
Oct 30 - Supreme Court orders desegregation nationwide
Nov 15 - 500,000 + march in Wash. DC for peace. Largest antiwar rally in U.S. history. Speakers: McCarthy, McGovern, Coretta King, Dick Gregory, Leonard Bernstein. Singers: Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul, & Mary, John Denver, Mitch Miller, touring cast of Hair
Dec 8 - Raid on Black Panther headquarters in LA - four hour shoot-out
Dec 24 - Rolling Stones "Altamont" concert erupts in violence, one spectator killed